Thursday, December 6, 2007

Phew, thats a relief....or is it?

Last you saw I was on route for 10 points. Ewwww. Well the good news is after 5 games I am already there. Game 4 gave our team a 1 goal loss, which I feel like I gave up. We pulled the goalie and I was in deep next to their goalie. Their guy came around the net with the puck and as I went to chase him down and take the puck I fell on my face. He was 2 feet away from me, within reaching distance. So we lost that one and that puts us at 1-3. I had 1 goal and 1 assist in that game which is frusturating to me only scoring 2 points a game. That would put me at 3 goals and 3 assists on the season. Anyways onto game 5. Right off the bat they scored to take the 1-0 lead. We scored soon thereafter. The game was tied at 1-1 with 4 minutes to go. Soon they scored to take the lead 2-1. With 2 minutes to go I got placed out there with our newly named captain. He hustled into the corner and passed the puck right on my tape. I gently moved my stick forward and the puck found the back of the net. Sweet that made it 2-2. With about 1 minute left I won the faceoff and the exact same thing happened again, except this time it was on the other side of the net. We were up 3-2 going into the intermission. One of our guys scored to give us the 4-2 lead then they got 3 and we were down 5-4 at the 2nd intermission. I had 2 goals and no assists, on route for another dissapointing 2 point game. We were down 7-4 with about 5 minutes left and after a time out we came out strong I won the faceoff and tapped it ahead to one of our guys who had 2 goals earlier in the game. That gave him the hat trick with 3 goals. I broke my 2 points a game streak and I had 2 goals and 1 assist. I got placed out there for the goalie when we pulled him. I tried to deke one of their guys and I turned it over, he had a wide open shot at the net. It felt like game 4 all over again. I turned around with a bit of anger and lifted his stick to give me the puck. I slap shotted it home to give our team a chance down 7-6 with 1 minute left. Quickly, I gained possesion after the faceoff and had a wide open path to the net. Ill switch it over to the play by play announcer now, " AJ comes in AJ shoots, it hits the post, thats the game" Game over we lost 7-6, but the good news for me is that it puts me at 10 points 5 games in, not exactly the dream season, but I have 6 goals and 4 assists and 0 penalty minutes. Thats it for now.


P.S. If I have time tommorow Ill write about something other then hockey....should be hard.