Friday, June 5, 2009

Back to back

Hockey season is now over and I won the scoring title again!!! This is the first time that I have won it in back to back season's and the 3rd time that I have ever won one. I won it by 4 points, scoring 21 goals and 10 assists for a total of 31 points. Our team finished 3rd out of 3 teams. We won 3 games and lost 5. As the defending champions, we head to the playoffs in an unusual spot, last place. Hopefully we can pull another championship out of our hats.

School finally finished, 1 week ago yesterday. I was able to pull out a solid B in Chemistry, a class where I had a C half way through the semester.

Boy Scouts is also going pretty well. I have a meeting with the Eagle Project advisor guy on Monday at 8:00. Hopefully that will go well and my project will be approved. I hope to finish my project by August for sure. With enough strength and determination, I will be able to earn Eagle Scout by the end of the year :D .

That's pretty much all that's been happening with me recently.


Friday, March 6, 2009

It's been a while

Wow, I haven't posted in a long time. Let me try to recap what's happened since July of last year. I still haven't earned my Eagle scout, although I am coming very close to it. I have set up and eagle project and just need it to be approved. I have changed Boy Scout troops, because my 1st one folded due to lack of attendance.

Summer Hockey season went will, I scored the most points in a season that I ever had at that league. I finished the season with 20 goals, 10 assists, and 30 points. I ended up finishing tied for 2nd in scoring along with a teammate of mine.

The Winter hockey season also went well. We finished 7-1 and went on to win all 3 games in the playoffs to win the championship. Our last game of the Championship went into OT and one of the kids who's last season it was, scored the final goal. It was pretty dramatic. Also in that season, I broke my record for points again. I scored 28 goals and 11 assists for 39 points. I ended up winning the Scoring Title for the 2nd time in my career.

We are starting up another season and it is looking pretty good for us. Within the past 8 months, my cat Blacky's condition with her eye worsened. She passed away on January 9th of 2009. She was 11 years and 9 months old. About 2 weeks later it was time to go kitty shopping and we found a great little ball of energy named Brendan. Brendan is a wild man who loves cheese and playing any game that he can make up. He's a fun cat and loves to cuddle a lot.

That's really all I can think of that happened since then. I will try to post more often then once every 8 months.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Waking up at 5:30 and also 9:30

Recently I have not been up to too much. I need to be working on Boy Scots stuff. I'm getting very close to obtaining my Eagle Scot Rank and these things will be given to me as a "reward"

Ice Hockey

Drivers License


There are more that I can't think of right now, but I really want to get it this summer, I need to look harder for an Eagle Project though. I sent a letter to the Church (VBC) for a list of Eagle Projects, but I have not received a list back yet. Maybe I will have to take my letter elsewhere.

July 4th was a lot of fun. We had a lot of the family over and we also had wayyyy too much food. Barbecues left and right, side dishes on the neighbor's lawn as well as a wedding which was catered.

That's right, there was a wedding. We had the Garden Grove Journal as well as Channel 3 news there. The two that were getting married were both in the army. Disappointingly, we now have to distinguish who is getting married in this State we are in. Just to clarify, it was a Man to a Woman. *Rolls his eyes in disgust*

As I said in my last blog post I will be moving all Hockey Posts to my new blog which has now been started. "The Village Idiots Hockey Club From the View of a Player". And yes, I do not think that the title could have been any longer. Now you will get the rest of my life instead of me filling these posts up with Hockey... See, here I go again.

We went to the Beach on Monday (7\7\08). It was better than the week before. The waves weren't anywhere nearly as choppy. The water was pretty still with swells coming every once in a while. I was able to catch about 2 good waves and I used my Boogie Board all day. I thought about Body Surfing once, but never did it, instead I Boogie Boarded the entire time. As fun as it is, I have to say that it is not a sport. Others may disagree, but I don't see a pro circuit anywhere (if there is one then please feel free to tell me).

Today is Thursday (7\10\08). I have been getting more and more involved in our new Church which is tons of fun. I woke up yesterday with a definite NO as to coming to the 6:30 A.M. Basketball game which would be today. I figured, if I can' wake up at 9:00 A.M, then how am I supposed to be able to make it to a 6:30A.M. Basketball game. Well, you'll never believe it, but I did it! Instead of waking up at my usual 9:30\10:00(which I hate doing because it feels like most of the day is gone) I was able to wake up at 5:30.

I've been trying to do Devotions in the mornings, but I never get around to it. Please don't take this section of this post as me bragging, as I dislike talking about Devotions because it can be seen as bragging, which I've been trying really hard not to do. Today I woke up at 5:30 A.M. and was able to do Devotions. I've heard\read a little bit of Job, but never actually read through the entire book, which is what I'm doing now. It's very interesting, and if you ever have a chance to read it, you should.

So we came and played basketball today. It was a lot of fun and hopefully it can get me back into Hockey condition so that way I will be able to play better this season. If I were to have rung my shirt out after playing basketball, then it would've made a puddle. Done cringing? Yeah, it was that nasty.

So that's pretty much everything between my last post and now. I have Hockey Practice tonight, which should be fun. I'm looking forward to it as I always love to play hockey. At Reality Check we talked the Church into letting us play Hockey in the Parking Lot during Coffee House. Yay! My dream that I'd be able to achieve right now is to play in a Hockey Tournament with the team I have right now, from A-P I wouldn't change anything. Enjoy your day!


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hopefully this "catch up" post isn't too long

Sorry about not posting in a while, I've been pretty busy.........okay, I'll admit it, I haven't been too busy, I've been too lazy. Well instead of updating you on every hockey game between my last post and now, I will sum it all up without mentioning any specific games.

We finished 1st overall in the regular season with a record of 7-1-0. In my mind, I had 15 goals and 9 assists, but according to the league I had 15 goals and 4 assists for 19 points. No big deal. I ended up finishing T2nd in scoring in scoring with 15-4-19. I led the team in scoring, but missed the league lead by 3 points. I did tie for the league lead in goals with 15 though.

Luckily, I was able to move past my personal loss and focus on the Championship game. The last time we played this team we won 7-1. Was it a coincidence that our team had a 7-1 record in the regular season as well? I think not. Anyways, I started the game and was trying to clear out the front of their net in order for our captain to score the 1st goal of the game. I leaned a little bit to hard and the kid, who is half my size, in both height and weight, went flying and I was called for roughing. While I was in the box we scored and took the 1-0 lead. I came out of the box, picked up the puck and drove to the net. After putting it five-hole we took the 2-0 lead and never looked back. We ended up winning the game 7-1. That's right, I scored the second goal of the game, so that means that the Championship winning goal was scored by me. YEAH!!!!! As if it were coincidence again, we also won that game 7-1 which was our regular season record. So of course, being the team that we are, we all threw off our gloves, helmets, and sticks then dog-piled our goalie.

Thus, the first Championship in Village Idiots History was achieved.

I will not be able to update you on everything between my last post and now, but I will start posting day by day ASAP. I will also try to make a new blog for my hockey posts. It will be the same as my dad's villageidiotshockey blog except it will be from the view of a player. Stay tuned for more information on that one. Thanks for reading this post and have a nice day :)


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Games 4 and 5 ... initiating the intimidation factor (A.K.A. AJ King of the Penalties)

Ever since that penalty this season I have been given no more penalties and am still stuck at 2. But I can see that it is paying off. Onto game #4

Game 4 was the game of the year.

Period 1:

We started with no goalie and looked around at each other in shock for the entire first period. Luckily, we were only down by 4 (4-0) at the end of the 1st period.
Scoring summary for our team: 0 Their team: 4 Points for me: 0

Period 2 comes around and we tell one of our best players to suit up for goalie. He came in half of the way through the second period (about 20 minutes left in the game). By then it seemed to be a lost cause. The score was 7-1 and one of the coaches was ready to quit (I won't mention names). But thankfully, our team was not . I assisted the first goal which gave me 1 point on the night. I quickly assisted another one which made it 7-3 after one of the other players on our team scored. At the end of the second period the score was 7-3. We were down by 4 again.
Scoring summary for our team: 3 Their team: 3 Points for me: 2 assists

Honestly, I wasn't ready to quit, but I didn't think we had a chance. I was sitting there goalless headed into the 3rd period. One of our players scored a big goal quickly which made it 7-4. I came right back at them with a goal of my own. 7-5!!! I still thought it was a lost cause. With about 5 minutes to go in the game we put ourselves within 1. The score was no 7-6. Oh boy, it's time for my line to go out!!! I was placed on early as we were doing a line change on the go. I cruised in hoping they wouldn't see me as they were making a play in their zone. They made the pass to the guy on the point. I was able to intercept it, but it tipped off of my stick and into their player's skates. He looks down kind of spinning around and I was able to snag the puck. I skated through the slot and I knew 2 important things at the moment.

1. The player who messed up on the pass was going to cut into the middle to cover so I could not come straight down the slot, which would give me my best shot at a goal.

2. The player I took the puck from finished 3rd in scoring last season and he is a fairly decent player.

He may have beat me in scoring, but he wouldn't beat me on this play. I will now switch over to play by play courtesy of AJ.

AJ steals the puck. He enters in the zone. cuts toward the left side of the net. Backhand and of the crossbar. J\K. He beats the goalie with his backhand!!!

The score was now 7-7. We had tied the game and I had scored my second goal of the game! I raised both of my hands (which I don't really do anymore) and screamed YEAHHHHH. We quickly sent the play back into their zone and scored again to make it 8-7!! I screamed even louder for that one. I would be put back on with about 2 minutes to go in the game which was going to end 3-3 due to separate penalties. They pulled their goalie as it was a 1 goal game. Our guys cleared it and I won the race to the puck and to my surprise I was alone with the empty net. Easy Goal and thank you for the free insurance marker. The score was now 9-7. Another one of our players was able to hit the empty net with about 10 seconds to go. This made the score 10-7. The time ran off the clock and we had completed the greatest comeback of my life.

Drain Bamage: 10 Other team: 7

Points for me: Goals: 3 Assists: 2

What a great game. Game #5 has also been played and also has been final The score of that game was 9-3. I will write more details on that one soon as well. Including game 5 we are 5-0 and undefeated. I only had one goal in game 5 and I blew many chances. Sorry I didn't write more on game 5, it wasn't too exciting. But we did clinch a spot in the championship game because of our record. So we don't have to play in the playoffs this year and we have clinched 1st place!

My totals for the season: GP: 5 Goals: 9 Assists: 6 Points: 15 Points per game average: 3 PIM: 2

That's it for now


Friday, April 18, 2008

Back to hockey, 3 games into the season and a huge milestone!?!?!?

Finally I have a good start to the season! It's been a long time, but I need to remember not to get to full of myself. As I may have said earlier, at the start of this season, I started with 395 career goals. Now, I never guarantee myself anything as I have had a few off seasons, but I knew within the next 2 seasons I would hit that mark. Well 3 games in and I've already hit the 400 mark!!!

Game # 1

Here we go, start of the season, all fans in attendance as it was a Thursday game. I start on the 2nd line. When I got out there the score was 0-0. This was great as I would get a good chance to score the first goal of the season. I get a nice break after stealing the puck in the offensive zone. I take the first shot and it hits the goalie. Shot #2 on the rebound a hits the goalie. Look what I found, rebound # 3 a backhand right over the goalie's shoulder. Yet another season where I started off the scoring. Period 2 rolls around and I was sitting there with 1 goal. The puck was sent to me in the corner. We were playing exceptional defense that day and we were holding the points. I switched spots with our Left Defensemen. Came down the middle, and a slapper. Top Shelf! Career Goal # 397! Shortly after, we won the faceoff and got the same set up going again. A pass from me off the boards to the left D, who passes it to the right D. By this time I was in front of the net screening the goalie. A shot by the right D and Assist #1 of the season for me.

Game #1 Final 8-3. Points for me 2 Goals and 1 assist

Game #2:

I've had a problem the past season breaking 3 sticks in games. I have never done that before now. We start the game out and I do my usual slap shot taking. I shot one that was tipped and it almost went into the street. It landed on the side walk. So I start to get a little cocky with my hard shot. The next chance I get I rip a shot of that went wide. I go in the corner to get the puck and I hear the sound of a broken stick. Keep in mind this is the shaft that I won in the raffle at closing ceremonies last season. So I dropped the stick in the corner and looked up in disbelief. I went to the bench and after the whistle one of my teammates goes to pick it up thinking that the blade was broken, which is what I suspected. He picks it up by the top and the bottom falls off. There goes my $ 50 shaft right in half. I need to stop shooting softer...........well maybe not. So I get my backup stick and we planned to do a corner celebration, which is what they do in the NHL every time they score, if I scored. So....I scored and peeled off. We did the corner celebration! All I got was a ton of sticks in my face.

Game #2 Final 6-3 W My point totals Goals:1 Assists: 0. My point totals for the season Goals: 3 Assists:1. So I was starting to feel selfish. Career goals for me was at 298.

Game #3

I haven't had a penalty in 4 years. That's 11 seasons. So I was bragging about it before the game. My first shift I cruised into the offensive zone and...look what I found! A puck right there in the slot with no one around. I know what I'll do, I'll take a slap shot...whiffffff. I tipped the top of the puck and it hit the goalie in the stick. The play goes the other way and I go back on the backcheck. I lift the stick of the attacking forward. He turns and I end up pulling his arm back. I knew it would be a penalty, so I turn around and sure enough, there's the ref with his arm up. #14 2 minutes for hooking. Come on, if I would've known I was going to take a penalty I would have made it boarding or roughing, something that's worth the two minutes. I'm not suggesting that the penalty was un-merited, but I wish I would've known. So I do my hard time in the box. I came back out very frustrated after that last play. So look what I found again! The puck...I know, I'll take a slap shot (I guess you know where this is going and if you don't read above when I took my last slapshot again). The puck goes behind the net and I was able to take the puck off of the guy's stick. I come around and zing, top shelf. Career goal #399!!!. By now I was starting to feel selfish so I started telling my teammates. I was at 4 goals and 1 assist on the season. Here comes my team mate down the side. The defenseman was way out of position. He winds up... and right on his tape comes the pass for zinger #2. I was at 1 goal and 1 assist for the game. Period 2 comes around and I get to start on the bench. My 1st shift back out there I stole the puck in the corner. Stick handled around 3 guys on there team. Came in on the goalie acted like I was going to go one way and back handed it on the other side for goal #2 of the game. Career goal #400!!!. Okay, so I was starting to feel selfish again. I had 2 goals and 1 assist in the game. No more points for me in period #2. Period #3 comes around and they had their goalie pulled as the score was 6-1 and their goalie wasn't exactly doing well. I passed the puck to one of my teammates who I told to start training at faceoffs. An empty net goal and my 2nd assist of the game!!!. Later on in the game I would pass it to one of the defenseman on my line and he would do the same for my 3 assist of the game. So I finished the game with 2 goals and 3 assists.

Game #3 11-2 Final. My points for the game: Goals: 2 Assists: 3. My points for the season: Goals: 5 Assists: 4 Points: 9.

There you have it, career goal #400 was scored finally!

Thanks for the read. I really need to try not to get full of myself and start seeing only the scoring title. I need to remember to play for my team and my team alone. I already have a scoring title, not that I wouldn't like another one, but I really need to keep my focus on my team and not be to selfish. We are 3-0. Undefeated. And on a 3 game winning streak! I would like to keep that going and not ruin it by being selfish.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More time in the pool

I still really like the pool. I think I'm spending to much time in there. We got some of the neighbors together yesterday and went into the pool. After one of them (who shall remain nameless) said that it was to cold we went down to his house to go swimming in an in-ground pool. The nextdoor neighbors wanted to go swimming in our pool and they didn't say anything about it. So here we go heading down the street and their dad follows us down there. After talking back and forth we decided to let them swim in the neighbors pool with us. I really like this weather it's nice and hot. Perfect pool weather. After we came home from that I went to go pick my mom up from school with my brother. I got to drive home. When we got back I was really itching to go swimming again. So I said to my self, "Self, why not"? So I went swimming again. That was my fourth time of the day. For today, I have to get some schoolwork done before I head down to the beach for a few days (Tuesday to Thursday). I have hockey practice on Thursday at 6:15. The season will start next week. Should be a good one!