Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More time in the pool

I still really like the pool. I think I'm spending to much time in there. We got some of the neighbors together yesterday and went into the pool. After one of them (who shall remain nameless) said that it was to cold we went down to his house to go swimming in an in-ground pool. The nextdoor neighbors wanted to go swimming in our pool and they didn't say anything about it. So here we go heading down the street and their dad follows us down there. After talking back and forth we decided to let them swim in the neighbors pool with us. I really like this weather it's nice and hot. Perfect pool weather. After we came home from that I went to go pick my mom up from school with my brother. I got to drive home. When we got back I was really itching to go swimming again. So I said to my self, "Self, why not"? So I went swimming again. That was my fourth time of the day. For today, I have to get some schoolwork done before I head down to the beach for a few days (Tuesday to Thursday). I have hockey practice on Thursday at 6:15. The season will start next week. Should be a good one!


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