Friday, June 5, 2009

Back to back

Hockey season is now over and I won the scoring title again!!! This is the first time that I have won it in back to back season's and the 3rd time that I have ever won one. I won it by 4 points, scoring 21 goals and 10 assists for a total of 31 points. Our team finished 3rd out of 3 teams. We won 3 games and lost 5. As the defending champions, we head to the playoffs in an unusual spot, last place. Hopefully we can pull another championship out of our hats.

School finally finished, 1 week ago yesterday. I was able to pull out a solid B in Chemistry, a class where I had a C half way through the semester.

Boy Scouts is also going pretty well. I have a meeting with the Eagle Project advisor guy on Monday at 8:00. Hopefully that will go well and my project will be approved. I hope to finish my project by August for sure. With enough strength and determination, I will be able to earn Eagle Scout by the end of the year :D .

That's pretty much all that's been happening with me recently.


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