Friday, August 24, 2007

Another 2 goal game

Yesterday was another beach day. So we left our street at around 11:00 A.M. Somebody told me the waves were supposed to be 4-6 feet now I'm not going to mention any names *coughs Brad* but they weren't. We brought "the raft" and took it out in the water. I was in it by myself once and a wave shot me like 3 feet in the air, it was sweet. Another time, Matt and I were carrying the Raft out past where the waves were breaking and a giant wave (maybe 3-4 feet) came straight at us and crashed on us. I thought I could jump it, but I was wrong. I went straight up then straight down and the raft went down the beach. I didn't catch any spectacular waves at the beach on my boogie board, but that's okay. When we got home we decided to go swimming at Schulyer's (I probably spelled it wrong yet again*rolls eyes*) We were there for a good 1-2 hours. We played some Marco Polo then we played some find the Kong Toy. Right after that we headed to Rite Aid\KFC. I picked up a few snackers and then we headed out. We went over to Jacob's house and hung out for a while there. Of course nobody was home so we called Jacob's Secretary A.K.A. Dominic to see what was going on. They thought our game started at 7:15 when it really started at 8:15. So they told Jeremy that and he was there early. So we decided to head down there early as well. We hung out for an hour then geared up. To start the game off we started the PBBJ line. Again the AJJJ line dominated with a combined 7 goals including the game winner in our 8-7 victory. We were down 5-1 in the 2nd or 3rd period (I dont remember which period it was) and I was thinking "Okay we're never going to come back from this." Shortly after Jacob, Patrick, Justin and I scored. Before I knew it we were down 7-6 with 3 minutes to go in the game. Jacob comes in on a one on one and flutters a little on the ground spinner which just barely got underneath the goalie's armpit. Nobody could see that it was in until Jake skated behind the net and raised his stick. The ref signaled goal and the crowd went wild. My dad changed the line up when there was 2 minutes remaining. Out went Jordan, Jeremy, Justin and I. We barely held them off, but with about 10 seconds to go I got caught in a pickle. Lay down my body for the team or let in a goal. I made a kick save it went right back to the player and he shot two right back into my ribs, thankfully the shots weren't to hard. As I got up when time expired I couldn't even here myself talking the crowd was so loud. To start off overtime my dad put Jake, Jordan, Justin and I out there with Justin and Jake playing Defense. Chris on their team came in and our back up goalie Dylin made a nice save Jake sent it up to Jordan, we were on a 2 on 1 and I was hoping that Jordan wouldn't pass it because my stick was tied up. Jordan shoots top shelf just underneath the crossbar. I was there waiting for the rebound, but thankfully there was none. We finally won a game!!!!! There's yesterday's recap.


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