Monday, March 24, 2008

Life...not hockey

This will be my first post in a long time. This one will also not be about hockey which will be my first one like that in a long time. Yes I know...I have a problem. Anyways onto catching up for this year. School has been going fine and I'm still doing well. I am not going to update since January in this post, because not to much has happened since then. I did get my permit finally though and I'm driving my mother crazy (note that I did not say my mother, Crazy) asking her to let me drive everywhere and coming up with places to go just so I could drive. I will just update on yesterday for this post. Yesterday was the first day that our new above ground pool was actually full (we got it on friday). So I was able to go swimming a few times (twice by myself) before I went to my Aunt Faith's house. When we got there, we went inside and I grabbed a handful of Peanut m n' ms so I could eat them when I went outside. Turns out I didn't get to much time to eat them, because the younger kids wanted me to play with them. So I did. We ate dinner, talked some more, and then we headed home for the night. Yep that was my day, so I will try to post another post tommorow about today.


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