Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hockey, School, and other stuff

So my dad and I went to the Red Wings vs. Ducks Game last Monday. It was a dissapointing loss at 6-3. I told my dad that if we sat by the penalty box we would've seen a lot more action. 17 penalties and 0 fights. Holmstrom had 5 alone. For my hockey team I look a lot better this season and so does our team. Our goalie looks great as well as our new aquisition on defense. Everyone else has improved as well. School has been going well. Torrey hasn't let up at all and is still being Torrey. I need to improve on my writing, but that's about all. In Algebra 2 it looks like I will earn an A for the Quarter. In Spanish 2 it looks like I will earn an A as well. As for Torrey it looks like I will earn a B. My diet is still going well. Even after eating out a whole lot more I'm still dropping weight, Today I was at 205.5 only a 1\2 pound over my lowest. So everything has been going pretty well. It is very windy today and Malibu has a nice fire going. Our back yard is almost finished. The grass is getting greener and greener everyday. I have a Precis due for Torrey on Tuesday that is going to be about 1,000 words. I am almost half of the way done and will be completely done by tommorow. We had practice yesterday and we only went for 2 hours :( . I have to tell you that I have a heck of a lot more endurance then last season. If it were last season I would have been wanting the end at 30 minutes into practice. I will be getting my permit in the next week or 2 so that should be nice. I definetely want to get it by December for 2 reasons.

1. To have my license by summer so I can drive myself around

2. So next summer I can go to the rink every single day!

So that's pretty much all I can think of. Sorry for taking so long to update.


Monday, October 8, 2007

Updates on School, Hockey, and everything that happened since Friday

Since Friday we have done more work on tearing out the fence in the backyard. We have also planted some new grass back there and are having lots of fun keeping the dogs off of it. For school we had this thing we had to do in preperation for our term papers. We had to come up with a title. And then we had to write 15 note cards where we cited stuff from books. We did the note cards, which stressed me out, before our title was even approved. So Im sitting here with 15 note cards on a subject that Im not sure if Im going to be writing about. Thankfully it was approved and the next step is to come up with a thesis statement. So the update on hockey is that my youth team picked up the 3 time defending #1 goalie and one of the best defenseman in the league. So that's always nice. I've now lost 17 pounds on my diet which brings me down to 208.5. And thats after eating a lot of pizza last night. So I think that's everything. Thanks again for reading and Ill try to keep you as updated as I can.


Friday, October 5, 2007

Still cant think of a title.

Well The Wings edged out over the Ducks 3-2. Its just to bad we had to go to a shootout. I wish we could've taken care of it in regulation. Ive been drowned out with schoolwork recently. But the good news is that Im doing well (notice I didn't say good ;) ) . Im pretty positive that Im going to get straight A's this quarter. Or at least I hope so. As far as my youth team goes. We look like we are going to get the #1 goalie from last season to add to our squad. But that might be all we add. We are probably going to end up with 6 guys and 1 goalie. I actually would like that better then adding a new guy. If you take out everyone that's leaving from last season I would've finished 2nd in scoring (I finished 7th last season). Not to bad in my opinion. So I started the fantasy league. Sorry to any of you that didn't join. It should be fun. Thanks for tuning in for another post.


Monday, October 1, 2007

(Insert creative title here)

Well let's try to recap since last wednesday. Not to much has been going on. I had school on Thursday. My mom's birthday was thursday. Hockey season starts wednesday (The Detroit Red Wings vs. The Anaheim Ducks) it should be a good game, but Detroit will edge out 6-4. As far as the fantasy league goes, sign up soon as I will hit the auto draft button on Tuesday night at 9:30. You may have seen some of my earlier posts where Ive been talking about my diet and how much Ive lost. Im only going to give you milestones on that one now. Im at 210 with a total of 15 1\2 pounds lost. I've got another 2 papers due for Torrey tommorow. Well I guess you really should call it one considering that one is a re - write. We watched the Ducks\Kings games on Saturday and Sunday. The Kings won game one and the Ducks won game 2. That's basically it. Thanks for reading and tune in for my next post which will hopefully be tommorow.