Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Games 2 and 3 go in the books

Last you heard we were undefeated at 1-0. That didn't last. We lost game 2 6-1 and as you can tell I dont want to talk about it. We had absolutely no offense whatsoever. We played the same team again for game 3 last night and being 1-1 we needed to make some serious changes. So to start the game off one of the new guys we were given this season scored his first goal of the year. Horay. Anyways, that lead didn't last and we were quickly down 2-1. With a late 1st period goal the game was tied up at 2-2. This was probably the hardest I've tried\skated in a game in the longest time, maybe even ever. So I was sitting there with nothing to show for it. They scored right away to take the lead back 3-2. Then we scored and the game was all tied up again at 3-3. I won the faceoff, but accidentaly gave it away. Following the new thing Im trying called "Skating" I forechecked and stole the puck. Around the net I came skating backwards and wrist shotted it for my 2nd goal of the year. It was probably my nicest one of the year. That gave us our 2nd lead of the game at 4-3. Shortly after this goal I tried the same thing again. I forechecked and stole the puck. The guy I stole it from was trying to block my path to the goal. I put the puck between my legs and passed it back. That was probably the best pass I made all season. It went right on the kids tape and he wrapped it around to give us the 5-3 lead. As usual that didn't last and we were down 6-5 at the end of the 2nd. They took the lead 8-5 and we needed a goal and fast. With 3 minutes remaining one of the kids on my team pulled the Michigan put us within 2. The score was 8-6 and we pulled the goalie. After multiple chances from me we were still down 2. I passed it to the point and the puck went back to our zone right on the tape of one of their guys. That was it, we lost 9-6. Here is the stats for this season for our team and myself.

GP W-L Points Goals Against Goals For Differential Goals Against Average
3 1 2 2 19 13 -6 6.333

And for myself

Games Played Goals Assists Points On Route for
3 2 2 4 5 goals 5 assists and10 points (Yuck!)

Here's to a better game tommorow!


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