Friday, September 14, 2007

Another couple of days

So on Wednesday we went to Sal's with my Uncle, Cousin, and my Grandma. We stayed there for a couple hours then we decided to head home. We stayed at our house for another hour then they left and I headed off to bed. Thursday was another school day. I was able to work ahead on 2 days worth of math so I had nothing to do today. I probably should be working on Torrey and Spanish 2 though..... Anyways, we headed down to the rink last night and messed around for a couple of hours while watching the Bronze Championship while taking breaks at some points. That was fun and always is. Today I weighed myself expecting the worst after eating out on Wednesday and having more pizza on Thursday. I weighed 213.5 so Im down another pound!!! Only 13.5 more pounds to go to get where I want to be.


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