Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My first real day of the school year

I updated yesterday talking about Torrey. After that I had Algebra 2. The home work was really easy. I did it all during study hall. Yesterday I also found out that the dream team that we all wanted to put together has lost 1 player. One of our players decided he wants to play at Coast 2 Coast instead. So we are going to get another player to replace him. As far as a goalie goes for next season, we are still unsure. Our goalie from last season isn't playing this year for us. We were going to get the defending goalie title winner but the league owner said no. Maybe without Jake he will let us. My father and I went to the 2nd game of the chapionship series last night and watched Ricardelli vs. Cox. Cox had a full roster (8 skaters and a goalie) while Ricardelli had 4 skaters. I was thinking about bringing my gear but I decided not to. So Ricardelli got a sub who led the league in scoring last year. The kid ended up scoring 3 goals total. With 5 seconds to go his team went in on a 2-1. The pass came right on his tape and he hammered in the game winner. Not only was it the game winner, but it was the Championship winner. So that was my day yesterday.


P.S. Im down to 214.5!!!

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