Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Well yesterday I was pretty tired all day. I took one nap that wasn't too long. So as if to add insult to injury we only had 6 players at our game. Shortly after the start of the game, Brad and I went in on a 2 on 1. I passed it to Brad and Brad hammered it in there. I was only one point back from tying Jacob. I stole the puck from one of their players and snapped it just under the crossbar for one sweet goal. At that point, Jake and I were all tied up for the team lead in scoring. That gave us the 2-0 lead. At the end of the 1st the score was all tied up 3-3. In the 2nd period Brian called for a pass, he was all by himself down low. I passed it to him and he scored. I achieved what I wanted to do all night! The score was 4-3 our lead again! At the end of the 2nd it was 5-4 we were down again. Start the 3rd period, Gabriel on their team came towards me and tried to dump it down. I kicked at it and shot in on a 1 on 2. I deked both of there players and shot top shelf to tie the game up at 5. Jordan or Justin scored shortly after to give us the 6-5 lead. Then they tied it up at 6. My dad puts my line out there and guess who did the same thing again. Well Ill give you a hint, this blog is about me not other people on my team ;). I faked out 3 or 4 players this time though and wristed it home. Top shelf! The Hot Wings were up 7-6 with about 5 minutes to go. This was the last game of our season and Jeremy still hadn't scored even including the season before. Jeremy got a beautiful pass and fired it over the goalie's shoulder. Definetely the most excited person was his dad, coach Joe. That gave us the 8-6 lead. They decided to pull their goalie when my dad put me on defense. I wristed it from our blue line and scored my 4th goal to make the final score of 9-6. For thos of you keeping track I ran off with the socring lead and won by 4. As I said last post I had 2 points after the first 4 games. So what a way to finish the season off. I guess I can say this season was better than last years. The final tally for my points is 10 Goals 6 Assists 16 points and
0 PIM.

Im headed back to the beach. Ill see most of you later.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Friday we basically did nothing all day again until 5 or so when we headed to Jake's house for his party. We stayed there for 4-5 hours then headed home around 11 and went back to sleep again. Now I don't remember to much about what we did on Saturday but I do remember that I spent some time with Mark again and begged other people on our street if we could go swimming and I packed clothes for San Clemente. Sunday was another fun day. We headed to Church at 10:30 and got back at 1:30 or so. I finished packing, threw my bike in the SUV and we headed to Jimmy's house. Originally the plan was to leave around 1:00 but instead we left closer to 3:00. We swung by his friend Darren's house and picked him up for a day. In the car I read the best seller Up Up Down by Robert Munsch. Probably one of the best Children's books I've read in a while. Now when I start to talk about the waves there you might think that I am exaggerating, but Im not, check the surf report if you want. The waves were 5-7 Feet tall with a few 7 footers crashing right in front of my face. That night we decided to go on the trail there around 9:00 or so. We packed our jackets full of peanuts and headed down. We were led to the beach and walked down it to see if we could get to the far end of it. We were about 1-2 miles away when decided to turn around (aprx. 9:45) the beach closes at 10:00. Im not sure if they gate it off or what. I never knew a beach could close. Do the waves stop? Im just kidding. Monday I woke up around 8:30 or so and we decided to play 1 on 1 on 1 baseball. Darren, Jimmy's friend, moved about 2 MPH in the outfield so I scored 6 runs on that. We played with a tennis ball and when I was pitching I made two sweet catches. One of them was to keep my face the way it looks. We packed the SUV and took Darren to CCCM. When we got back (around 5) we went back in the water. The waves weren't as big as the day before, but I still caught some sweet ones. Last night there was a lunar eclipse around 2:00 A.M. When I went to bed at 11 it was really bright because of the moon angled towards our tent. Then I woke up at 4:00 A.M. and it was very dark out. I assume this was because of the eclipse. So I woke up again for good at 7:30 or so. When Jimmy went to go take a shower around 8:30 I decided to go for a random bike ride and see where I ended up. I decided to go down the trail we walked on two nights before. That thing was so steep I had to walk my bike down the entire way, but I decided to ride it back up. So fast forward to when we went back to CCCM so Jimmy could take his school pictures. I had a nice :30 minute nap or so then they dropped me back off at my house. When I got home I watched some T.V. then decided to hop on the intreweb. I checked the scoring updates and in 2 updates Ive gone from 16th to 9th. I should be able to lead the team in scoring. Im down 2 on Jake and he is missing this game. If Jordan and Justin don't catch me, I should be good. Definetely not the season I was expecting 3 games in when I had 2 assists and thats it. Now I am at 6 goals and 4 assists. Still not the golden season, but better then earlier this season. My big problem was my weight. Which I will update in tommorow's post when I talk about my game. Last time I said wish me luck there was a fight so I won't say that this time. I hope you all are having a nice day and thanks once again for tuning in.


Friday, August 24, 2007

Another 2 goal game

Yesterday was another beach day. So we left our street at around 11:00 A.M. Somebody told me the waves were supposed to be 4-6 feet now I'm not going to mention any names *coughs Brad* but they weren't. We brought "the raft" and took it out in the water. I was in it by myself once and a wave shot me like 3 feet in the air, it was sweet. Another time, Matt and I were carrying the Raft out past where the waves were breaking and a giant wave (maybe 3-4 feet) came straight at us and crashed on us. I thought I could jump it, but I was wrong. I went straight up then straight down and the raft went down the beach. I didn't catch any spectacular waves at the beach on my boogie board, but that's okay. When we got home we decided to go swimming at Schulyer's (I probably spelled it wrong yet again*rolls eyes*) We were there for a good 1-2 hours. We played some Marco Polo then we played some find the Kong Toy. Right after that we headed to Rite Aid\KFC. I picked up a few snackers and then we headed out. We went over to Jacob's house and hung out for a while there. Of course nobody was home so we called Jacob's Secretary A.K.A. Dominic to see what was going on. They thought our game started at 7:15 when it really started at 8:15. So they told Jeremy that and he was there early. So we decided to head down there early as well. We hung out for an hour then geared up. To start the game off we started the PBBJ line. Again the AJJJ line dominated with a combined 7 goals including the game winner in our 8-7 victory. We were down 5-1 in the 2nd or 3rd period (I dont remember which period it was) and I was thinking "Okay we're never going to come back from this." Shortly after Jacob, Patrick, Justin and I scored. Before I knew it we were down 7-6 with 3 minutes to go in the game. Jacob comes in on a one on one and flutters a little on the ground spinner which just barely got underneath the goalie's armpit. Nobody could see that it was in until Jake skated behind the net and raised his stick. The ref signaled goal and the crowd went wild. My dad changed the line up when there was 2 minutes remaining. Out went Jordan, Jeremy, Justin and I. We barely held them off, but with about 10 seconds to go I got caught in a pickle. Lay down my body for the team or let in a goal. I made a kick save it went right back to the player and he shot two right back into my ribs, thankfully the shots weren't to hard. As I got up when time expired I couldn't even here myself talking the crowd was so loud. To start off overtime my dad put Jake, Jordan, Justin and I out there with Justin and Jake playing Defense. Chris on their team came in and our back up goalie Dylin made a nice save Jake sent it up to Jordan, we were on a 2 on 1 and I was hoping that Jordan wouldn't pass it because my stick was tied up. Jordan shoots top shelf just underneath the crossbar. I was there waiting for the rebound, but thankfully there was none. We finally won a game!!!!! There's yesterday's recap.


Thursday, August 23, 2007


Yesterday as I was updating my blog UPS came by and dropped of my box of hockey cards which I was waiting for, for almost a week. The real reasons why I bought that box were because I needed more stuff to make trades with. I had fun opening up the box, but there were only 3 cards in there that I needed. They were a Valterri Filppula Rookie, an Alexander Ovechkin Rookie, and a Ryan Getzlaf rookie. Last night, my father and I headed down to the rink to work on our games. I have to say that I have more endurance then last week. We did this drill that's really tiring and I wasn't anywhere nearly as tired as I was the week before. Today we are going to Bolsa Chica State Beach and the waves are supposed to be 4-6 feet. Tonight we have a game against Ricardelli which starts at 11:15 P.M. Eastern Time.

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Yesterday I watched some T.V. all day again. Then we went to the beach party around 4 and left around 6:30. The waves were pretty big, in fact I had some trouble getting out there due to some holes on the ground. When I got home we had a scout meeting at my house which lasted about 2-3 hours with only about 1 hour talking about scouts. That was my boring day yesterday. I hope today is a lot more exciting as well as tommorow(Hockey game at 8:15). Here's my schedule for the next week.

Wednesday: Hockey Cards arrive
Thursday: Beach and Hockey Game (8:15)
Friday: Jacob's birthday party
Saturday: Hang out with mark some
Sunday-Friday Beach
Tuesday: Hockey Game 8:15

My cards just arrived!

Thanks for tuning in!


Tuesday, August 21, 2007


A few updates. Im down to 216.5 on my diet which puts me at 9 pounds lost since the beggining. So yesterday I went to Los Sanchez for lunch and ordered the Al Pastor Torta with papas fritas. It was a pretty good sandwich, but it went right through me. Onto the hockey game. We put Jacob, Jordan, Justin, and I on the same line to start. With Justin being the only defenseman. Almost right away I scored to give us the 1-0 lead. They quickly turned that around until the 3rd period when I put us within one. So I come off and have some water. Then almost as soon as I stood up #15 on their team started going bazurk (did I spell that right ?) he cross checked probably the nicest guy on our team three times then decided to throw a few punches. From what I've heard my friend Brad also threw a few punches. What provoked #15 after an elbow was thrown at Brian he said "What's your problem." Then he went off on him. Almost all of the men in the stands poured outside the corner where all of this was going on. For those of you that don't know, 5 of the kids on our team are cousins so most of their family go to the games. While all this was going on we were still down by 2. All of the penalties got sorted out and here's what they got.
Their team:
#15 2 minutes for elbowing, 2 minutes roughing, 2 for holding and 5 for fighting with an additional match penalty(game misconduct.)
#34 Third man in Match Penalty.

Our team:
#7 5 minutes for Instigating

This probably wasn't all of the penalites. It seemed like pandemonium in the stands people shouting left and right. Thankfully no punches or anything like that were thrown. Now in result of this incident we are considering either moving our team somewhere else or just folding the team. If we fold the team, hopefully we can resurect it in the Adult league when we are all at least 18.

Goals from last night are as follows:


Thanks for reading!


Monday, August 20, 2007

A couple of days to recap

Okay, we'll start off with Saturday. Basically what I did all day was lay around watch T.V. and mess around on the computer. So Sunday comes around. I went to the Plotz's Church. It was a good service and a great message. After that we headed out to Huntington Beach. Right after lunch Matt, Ron, Jonathan and I headed out into the water. The waves were pretty big and kept looking better. All of the sudden in the blink of an eye it got so foggy you couldn't even see the beach from where I was in the water. The waves were 3-4 feet prior to the fog then when the fog came in they doubled. Giant waves left and right. Then the fog rolled back and everything was back to normal. When I got out we started a Baseball game I was 3-4 hitting 2 doubles and a single and scoring every time I was on base. My team won 14-0 we pretty much owned. Im anxiously awaiting another box of hockey card which should be here any day now. Ill tell you about that later when I get it. Oh yeah, and during the baseball game I slid and popped my shoulder or something. It's still a little sore but I should be okay for my game tonight. Wish me luck!


Saturday, August 18, 2007

The day I was to have my permit (8\17\07)

Yesterday was a pretty long day yet again. I laid down and watched TV for about 4 hours. Went to lunch at McDonald's. Did you know their burger patties are gray? Anyways, we went to Biola again and had a very nice dinner, then some great Cheesecake. We checked out my brother's dorm and then headed home. As for what the title says, I am now 15 1\2 and could've had my permit yesterday. Kind of a busy week headed my way with being at the beach all day tommorow and going to Church with the Plotz's. Monday should be fun as well. We have another game and we are putting a big line up front to start out.

Thanks for tuning in again!


Friday, August 17, 2007

Days at the beach and Torrey Orientation

First off I have to say......WOW!?!?! Long day yesterday, let's see if I can remember it all. Okay, it started off with me waking up to my friend Jimmy at the door at 9:00....exactly. We hung out for a while until we left for the beach at 11:00. It was a pretty nice day at the beach. Probably the nicest waves I've ever seen at Bolsa Chica. But man were we drifting to the left fast. We were at lifeguard tower # 17 and we ended up at #15 twice. 15 is closest to the rocks some people I was with, were told to get out of the water, twice. I got a couple of nice waves with a quite a few waves that weren't anywhere nearly as good as I thought they were going to be. Yesterday was the first time ever that I had my board ripped off from my hand by a wave. One of the nice waves I caught looked like I was going to hit the bottom hard, because I was on the top of a four foot wave and it just started breaking right where I was. Anyways, onto Torrey Orientation.Kind of a long story with Torrey, I over estimated it, under estimated it, and now Im back to over estimating it again. Wow that's a lot of work in one class. It should be fun though. We arrived on campus at 6:45 caught up with my brother(for those of you that don't know, the orientation was on Biola's campus and my brother goes to Biola) for a brief moment. The orientation started at 7:00, I was expecting it to end around 7:45 or 8:00. When you get a break 1 hour in you know your in for it. So we got a 10 minute break at 8:00 (when I thought we would get out). We come back in around 8:15 and get back to "work". So they start giving us this long "tech talk" about how to use their website and stuff. We finally ended that and as soon as they did at least 20 people jumped up and left, this was around 9:00. I wasn't sure if I could last much longer. So just for my convinence they started another Microsoft powerpoit program. So we finally got out of there around 9:40 ish. Between hockey, Church, School, and more School, don't be surprised if you don't see me a whole lot. We met up with Mark to see his new dorm room, it was pretty small. We got out of his dorm around 10:15 and left the parking lot around 10:30. I got home and fell asleep on contact with my bed. That was my day and a long one at that. The best part about it is that we get to go back there again tonight for my brother's dinner orientation thing. Check in tommorow to see how that went.

Thanks for the view!

-AJ (Andrew, Andy)

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Yesterday was pretty much an average summer day for me. I laid down, watched some TV, and maybe rolled over a few times. Until 3:00 hit, get this, my mom told me I had to take a "shower." After my weekly shower we headed down to Wycliffe Associates, where I am eyeballing an Eagle Project. We met up with Bill Byars and took a little "What's wrong with our building" tour. It looks like if I get the project approved I should easily get the 100 hourse minimum required. So anyways fast forward a little bit to after dinner. My dad and I decided to go down to the rink and work on some endurance for me. For those of you that don't know, my game has gone way down hill over these past 2 seasons. My point total for the past 2 regular seasons is 13 goals and 4 assists (11 goals and 0 assists last season and 2 goals and 4 assists this season). Anyways, last night I finally found out what was wrong with my game. My head wasn't staying up like usual. I've been 0-3 on breakaways this season. Usually I would be 3-3. So we did a few drills that were very tiring. One drill where we had to skate around the circle every time we shot. So I did that about 12 times. My dad the same. So all in all it was a fun day. Stay tuned for tommorow's post where I tell you about Torrientation and a day at the beach.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mark's Out!?!?!??!?!?!?

As of monday, my older brother, Mark, has moved out. My life has been improving since then. Both of my parents have been very appriceative of me and my output recently. Joking around I was counting down the day until he moved out. I realize that it is a lot more quiet around here since he has moved out. I was thinking, "Yes I'm going to get so much more sleep!" But as Mark has proven time and time again, I can be wrong. I woke up at the crack of 8:30 two days in a row, but today I slept in until 9:00 today. As some of you already know, I sleep with a 100 pound weight on my legs. That weight is my Chocolate Lab, Kobe. This dog has to be one of the greatest companions ever. For Example, I am writing this right now and he is keeping my feet warm underneath the desk. We also have one more dog, Thor. We think that Thor has some sort of Mental Retardation. He is a great dog, but he can't control himself sometimes. Quite a few times I've tackled him to the ground to break up the fight between him and Kobe. Thor is the kind of dog who is always trying to please you, but he rarely does. Im looking forward to our hockey game coming up this monday. I have been on a diet for almost a week now in order to get my "game" back. I really haven't been playing up to my standard this season. My current scoring is 2 goals and 4 assists. I hope to get a whole lot more points here soon. Well thanks for the read, feel free to comment.