Monday, August 20, 2007

A couple of days to recap

Okay, we'll start off with Saturday. Basically what I did all day was lay around watch T.V. and mess around on the computer. So Sunday comes around. I went to the Plotz's Church. It was a good service and a great message. After that we headed out to Huntington Beach. Right after lunch Matt, Ron, Jonathan and I headed out into the water. The waves were pretty big and kept looking better. All of the sudden in the blink of an eye it got so foggy you couldn't even see the beach from where I was in the water. The waves were 3-4 feet prior to the fog then when the fog came in they doubled. Giant waves left and right. Then the fog rolled back and everything was back to normal. When I got out we started a Baseball game I was 3-4 hitting 2 doubles and a single and scoring every time I was on base. My team won 14-0 we pretty much owned. Im anxiously awaiting another box of hockey card which should be here any day now. Ill tell you about that later when I get it. Oh yeah, and during the baseball game I slid and popped my shoulder or something. It's still a little sore but I should be okay for my game tonight. Wish me luck!


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