Thursday, August 23, 2007


Yesterday as I was updating my blog UPS came by and dropped of my box of hockey cards which I was waiting for, for almost a week. The real reasons why I bought that box were because I needed more stuff to make trades with. I had fun opening up the box, but there were only 3 cards in there that I needed. They were a Valterri Filppula Rookie, an Alexander Ovechkin Rookie, and a Ryan Getzlaf rookie. Last night, my father and I headed down to the rink to work on our games. I have to say that I have more endurance then last week. We did this drill that's really tiring and I wasn't anywhere nearly as tired as I was the week before. Today we are going to Bolsa Chica State Beach and the waves are supposed to be 4-6 feet. Tonight we have a game against Ricardelli which starts at 11:15 P.M. Eastern Time.

Thanks for reading!


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