Tuesday, August 21, 2007


A few updates. Im down to 216.5 on my diet which puts me at 9 pounds lost since the beggining. So yesterday I went to Los Sanchez for lunch and ordered the Al Pastor Torta with papas fritas. It was a pretty good sandwich, but it went right through me. Onto the hockey game. We put Jacob, Jordan, Justin, and I on the same line to start. With Justin being the only defenseman. Almost right away I scored to give us the 1-0 lead. They quickly turned that around until the 3rd period when I put us within one. So I come off and have some water. Then almost as soon as I stood up #15 on their team started going bazurk (did I spell that right ?) he cross checked probably the nicest guy on our team three times then decided to throw a few punches. From what I've heard my friend Brad also threw a few punches. What provoked #15 after an elbow was thrown at Brian he said "What's your problem." Then he went off on him. Almost all of the men in the stands poured outside the corner where all of this was going on. For those of you that don't know, 5 of the kids on our team are cousins so most of their family go to the games. While all this was going on we were still down by 2. All of the penalties got sorted out and here's what they got.
Their team:
#15 2 minutes for elbowing, 2 minutes roughing, 2 for holding and 5 for fighting with an additional match penalty(game misconduct.)
#34 Third man in Match Penalty.

Our team:
#7 5 minutes for Instigating

This probably wasn't all of the penalites. It seemed like pandemonium in the stands people shouting left and right. Thankfully no punches or anything like that were thrown. Now in result of this incident we are considering either moving our team somewhere else or just folding the team. If we fold the team, hopefully we can resurect it in the Adult league when we are all at least 18.

Goals from last night are as follows:


Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

socalwingnut said...


The penalties were:

#15 White 5 minutes fighting, 2 minutes holding, game misconduct

# 34 White Game Misconduct, 3rd man in an altercation

# 7 Orange 5 minutes instigating (there is actually no such penalty)and game misconduct